Saulius RUMŠAS

PhD in catholic theology (Strasbourg), licentiate in orthodox theology (Paris), senior researcher.

Born in 1975, Plungė. Member of the Dominican Order since 1995, graduated with a Bachelor degree of theology from the Catholic University of Lille (France) in 2000, obtained Masters degree in advanced studies (DEA) from the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Strasbourg with a specialization in Patristic in 2001 and his PhD from the same University with a specialization in Greek Patristics in 2007 (Title of the thesis: “L'enseignement épiscopal de Basile de Césarée (370-379)” [An anthropology that meets a spirituality. The Episcopal teaching of Basil of Caesarea (370-379)], he graduated from the Saint-Serge Institute of Orthodox Theology in Paris with a Licentiate in Orthodox Theology in 2010. Since 2009 he has taught at St. Joseph's Seminary in Vilnius. He has also been an associate professor (2011-2016) and lecturer (2009-2010) at the Department of Catholic Religion, Faculty of History, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, and a lecturer at the Faculty of Theology, Catholic Institute of Paris (2007-2010). In 2005 he was a guest lecturer in Patristics at Dominican University College (Ottawa, Canada). From 2006 to 2009 he worked at the “Istina Centre” for Ecumenical and Oriental Church Studies (Paris). In 2016, he held a fellowship at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) under the Lithuanian cooperation programme "Recherches et développement scientifiques" (project CH-3-ŠMM-02/08). 

He joined the Departement for the Research of Ancient and Medieval Culture in 2020.

Areas of Research

Early Christianity, Patristics, Cappadocians, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, the School of Alexandria, history and systematic theology of the first five Christians centuries, anthropology and the Trinity, biblical patristic hermeneutics.

Memberships with scientific publications

Participation in editorial boards of continuing and periodical scientific publications:

Member of the editorial board of the series Christiana tempora (since 2004).

Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Soter (since 2010).

Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Logos (since 2010).

Expert activities

Member of the expert commission on publishing of the Lithuanian Catechetical Centre (since 2017). 


Scientific articles

Rumšas, S., Žmogus sukurtas pagal Dievo paveikslą ir/ar panašumą? Bazilijaus Cezariečio Pr 1, 26–27 komentaro teologiniai iššūkiai [Is man created in the image and/or likeness of God? Theological challenges of Basil of Caesarea’s commentary on Gen 1:26-27], Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos metraštis 45 (2022), p. 7-35.

Rumšas, S., Žmogaus ir Dievo atsakomybės gamtos stichijų akivaizdoje pagal Bazilijaus Cezariečio Homilia dicta tempore famis et siccitatis [Responsibilities of Man and God in the Face of the Natural Disasters, based on Basil of Caesarea’s Homilia dicta tempore famis et siccitatis], LOGOS, 105, 2020, p. 31–41.

Rumšas, S., Grigaliaus Nysiečio Homilijų apie palaiminimus teologiniai-antropologiniai aspektai [Theological-Anthropological Aspects of Gregory of Nyssa’s Homilies on the Beatitudes], LOGOS 84 (2015), p. 32-36; LOGOS 86 (2016), p. 36–46; LOGOS 87 (2016), p. 43–49.

Rumšas, S., Atanazas Aleksandrietis ir Antano gyvenimas. Įvadas [Athanasius of Alexandria and the Life of Anthony. Introduction], in Atanazas Aleksandrietis, Antano gyvenimas [Athanasius of Alexandria, The Life of Anthony], vertimas R. Dabkevičius, įvadas S, Rumšas, komentarai A. Ivaškevičiūtė, Palendriai, 2016, p. 13–54.

Rumšas, S., Grigalius Nysietis ir jo Homilijos apie palaiminimus. Įvadas, in Grigalius Nysietis, Homilijos apie Palaiminimus, iš senosios graikų kalbos vertė V. Dičiūtė, įvadą, biblines nuorodas ir komentarus parengė S. Rumšas [Gregory of Nyssa and his Homilies on the Beatitudes. Introduction, in Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on the Beatitudes, translated from the Old Greek by V. Dičiūtė, introduction, biblical references and commentary by S. Rumšas], Vilnius: LEU leidykla, 2015, p. 7-76.

Rumšas, S., Tarnaujanti kunigystė ir katalikų-ortodoksų teologinis dialogas [The Serving Priesthood and Catholic-Orthodox Theological Dialogue], in Duosiu jums ganytoją pagal savo širdį [I Will Give You a Shepherd According to My Heart], Vilniaus šv. Juozapo kunigų seminarija, 2014, p. 127–154.

Rumšas, S., Antropologijos ir teologijos sąlytis Grigaliaus Nysiečio polemikoje prieš Apolinarijų [The contact between anthropology and theology in Gregory of Nyssa’s polemic against Apollinarius], in I. Gudauskienė (sud.), Krikščioniškosios antropologijos postulatai. Tradicija ir dabartis [Postulates of Christian Anthropology. Tradition and Present], Vilnius: VPU leidykla, Vilnius, 2010, p. 129–146.

Rumšas, S., Romos imperijos ir krikščionybės ištakų ryšys krikščionių apologetų akimis [The relationship between the origins of the Roman Empire and Christianity through the eyes of Christian apologists], in D. Alekna (ed.), Saeculo primo. Romos imperijos pasaulis peržengus „naujos eros” slenkstį [Saeculo primo. The world of the Roman Empire at the threshold of a "new era"], Christiana tempora III, Vilnius: VUL, 2008, p. 323-343.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 54/2 (2009), p. 193-211.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 54/1 (2009), p. 99-110.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 53/4 (2008), p. 409-432.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 53/3 (2008), p. 307-322.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 53/2 (2008), p. 209-218.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 53/1 (2008), p. 105-108.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 52 (2007), p. 515-524.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 52 (2007), p. 407-421

Rumšas, S., In memoriam: Cardinal Johannes Willebrands (1919-2006), Istina 51/4 (2006), p. 431-433.

Rumšas, S., Chronique des périodiques, Istina 51 (2006), p. 434-442.

Rumšas, S., Šventojo Augustino Regula: žmogiškumo mokykla. Keletas pamąstymų apie žmogų ir jo idealą [Saint Augustine’s Regula: School of Humanity. Some reflections on man and his ideal], in D. Alekna (ed.), Šv. Augustinas. Tradicijos, kontekstai, interpretacijos [St. Augustine. Traditions, Contexts, Interpretations], Christiana tempora II, Vilnius: VUL, 2006, p. 135-155.

Preparation of scientific sources

Šv. Bonaventūra, Brevilokvijas – Breviloquium, vertė, komentarus parašė ir rodykles sudarė Darius Alekna, įvadą parašė Leopold Scheifele OFM, mokslinis redaktorius Saulius Rumšas OP, Christiana tempora VII, Vilnius, Žara, 2023, 430 p. [Breviloquium. translation, commentary and indices by D. Alekna, foreword by L. Scheifele OFM, scholarly editor S. Rumšas].

Atanazas Aleksandrietis, Antano gyvenimas, vertimas R. Dabkevičius, įvadas S, Rumšas, komentarai A. Ivaškevičiūtė [Athanasius of Alexandria, The Life of Anthony, translation by R. Dabkevičius, introduction by S. Rumšas, commentary by A. Ivaškevičiūte], Palendriai, 2016, įvadas p. 13–54.

Grigalius Nysietis, Homilijos apie Palaiminimus, iš senosios graikų kalbos vertė V. Dičiūtė, įvadą, biblines nuorodas ir komentarus parengė S. Rumšas [Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on the Beatitudes, translated from the ancient Greek by V. Dičiūtė, introduction, biblical references and annotations by S. Rumšas], Vilnius: LEU leidykla, 2015, 240 p.

Grigalius Nysietis, I-II Homilijos apie palaiminimus, vert. V. Dičiūtė, anotacijos ir komentarai S. Rumšas [Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on the Beatitudes I-II, trans. V. Dičiūtė, annotations and comments by S. Rumšas], LOGOS 83 (2015), p. 86–99.

Basile de Césarée, Homélie 2 sur le Psaume 14, in Riches et pauvres dans l’Église ancienne, anotacijos S. Rumšas, Paris: Migne, 2011, p. 91–103.

Kavaliauskas Č., Eschatologija žmogui ir pasauliui: mokslo šaltinis, sudarymas ir spec. teologinis redagavimas [Eschatology for Man and the World: a Scientific Sourcebook, compilation and special theological editing by]: A. Buračas, I. Gudauskienė, M. Ragaišis, S. Rumšas, Vilnius: Edukologija, 2011, 244 p.

Science popularisation articles

Rumšas, S., Klausk Bernardinų: kuo skiriasi siela nuo dvasios?,, 2020-05-29

Rumšas, S., Grégoire de Nysse. Le psaume 150, cime de l’ascension, La Vie spirituelle 777 (2008), p. 342–350.

Rumšas, S., Désastre astrologique d’après Basile de Césarée, La Vie spirituelle 768 (2007), p. 59–69. Vertimas į rusų k.: Румшас, Саулюс, Погубность астрологии согласно творениям Василия Великого, Католический катехитический журнал РАДУГА 2 (2009), с. 21-28.

Rumšas, S., Commentaire du Notre-Père par Saint Augustin, La Vie spirituelle 753 (2004), p. 337–348.

Rumšas, S., Basile de Césarée: Homélie sur le Psaume 1, La Vie spirituelle 751 (2004), p. 141–152.

Other publications

Rumšas, S., Preface to the Lithuanian edition by J.-R. Bouchet, Šv. Dominykas, Vilnius: Aidai, 2010, p. 5-7.

Rumšas, S., Introduction, corrigendum, bibliography and indexes : V. Lossky, À l’image et à la ressemblance de Dieu, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2006.

Rumšas, S., Introduction, corrigendum, bibliography and indexes: Vl. Lossky, Essai sur la théologie mystique de l'Église d'Orient, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2005.

Rumšas, S., Preparation of the second revised edition of Yves Congar, Chrétiens désunis. Principes d'un œcuménisme catholique, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2003, 404 p.

Rumšas, S., Collaboration in the preparation of Yves Congar, Mon journal de Concile, vol. I et II, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2002, vol. I - 594 p., vol. II - 634 p.

Rumšas, S., Translation from French to Lithuanian: Maxime Allard, Kvietimas dar kartą pamąstyti apie tiesą, esmę, egzistenciją ir žmogaus intelektą, įvadas į Tomo Akviniečio, Apie esinį ir esmę. Apie tiesą. Apie intelekto vienovę prieš averoistus, [Maxime Allard, An Invitation to Reflect Once More on Truth, Essence, Existence and the Human Intellect, introduction to Thomas Aquinas, On Being and Essence. On Truth. On the Unity of the Intellect against the Averoists], Logos leidykla, Vilnius, 2000, psl. xiii-xlii.

Project activities

2016 project: Traditions exégétiques de l'Antiquité. Philosophie grecque, judaïsme et christianisme, Swiss-Lithuanian Cooperation Programme „Recherches et développement scientifiques” project, CH-3-ŠMM-02/08. Project member.

2014-2015 project: Gregory of Nyssa, Homilies on the Beatitudes. Translation from Greek, research and commentary. Lithuanian Research Council, LIT-8-81, implemented within the framework of the National Programme for the Development of Lithuanian Studies 2009-2015. Project leader.