
Scientific council

Elections to the Scientific Council of the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute took place on 15 September 2020.

Members of the Scientific Council of the LCCI:

Chairman of the Council - Naglis Kardelis, prof. dr., LCCI Chief Researcher
Vice-Chair of the Council - Odeta Žukauskienė, dr., LCCI Senior Researcher
Antanas Andrijauskas, Member of Academy, prof. dr., LCCI Chief Researcher
Grasilda Blažienė, Member of Academy, ILL, Chief Researcher
Rima Cicėnienė, dr., deputy director of WLLAS
Romualdas Juzefovičius, assoc. prof. dr., LCCI Chief Researcher
Rasius Makselis, dr., director of LCCI, Researcher
Tojana Račiūnaitė, dr., Head of the Institute of Art Research, VAA
Rita Repšienė, assoc. prof. dr., LCCI Senior Researcher
Vytautas Rubavičius, dr., LCCI Chief Researcher
Arūnas Sverdiolas, prof. dr. (hp), LCCI Chief Researcher
Ramunė Šmigelskytė-Stukienė, dr. deputy director of PGDL

ILL - Institute of Lithuanian Language
WLLAS - The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
VAA - Vilnius Academy of Arts
PGDL - Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania