Doctor of Humanities, researcher
Born in 1967 in Vilnius. 1985 graduated from the National M.K. Čiurlionis School of Arts. 1990 graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Music History (Doc. Adeodato Tauragis kl.). 2003-2007 was Doctoral student at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. In 2007, he defended the work of the field of humanities in the direction of art (musicology) “Development of the Lithuanian Musical Theatre during the Historical transformation (1940-1945)”, the head of the scientific work – prof. John Bruver. Since 1993 he has been a teacher and methodologist at the National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Art, since 2007 – a lecturer in the Department of Music History at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, from 2014 – a associate professor. Since 2016 – researcher at the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute. Since 1997 Member of the Lithuanian Composers' Union. Since 2005 – Composer of Music Program for International Th. Mann Festival (2005–2007 with Dr. Ona Narbutiene, 2007–2011 with E. Gedgaudas). Since 2009 – member of the Thom Mann Cultural Centre Curatorium.
Fields of scientific interests are Lithuanian musical theatre, creative activity of music performers and composers during the interwar and war periods.
Selected publications
Studies and scientific articles
Markeliūnienė, Vytautė. Iš muzikologės Onos Narbutienės korespondencijos. Kompozitoriaus Jeronimo Kačinsko laiškai [From the correspondence of musicologist Ona Narbutienė. Letters of the composer Jeronimos Kačinskas]. Menotyra [Studies in Art]. Vilnius: LMAL, 2021, Vol 28, Nr. 1–2, p. 54–65. ISSN 1392-1002
Nuo Juozo Naujalio iki Eduardo Balsio. Muzikologės Onos Narbutienės straipsniai [From Juozas Naujalis to Eduardas Balsys. Ona Narbutienė’s musicological works]. Sudaryt. / ed. by Vytautė Markeliūnienė. Vilnius: LKTI, 2020, ISBN 978-609-8231-30-4
Markeliūnienė, Vytautė. Iš karo metų (1941–1944) muzikinio gyvenimo kontekstų. Religinės muzikos valandos [From the contexts of musical life during the war years (1941-1944). Hours of religious music]. Lietuvos muzikos paveldo tyrimai. Valstybingumo idėjos ir religinis paveldas [Lithuanian music heritage research. Ideas of statehood and religious heritage] (sudaryt. /ed. by Aušra Strazdaitė-Zyberkienė). Kaišiadorys: Printėja, 2019, p. 93–104. ISBN 978-609-8164-10-7
Markeliūnienė, Vytautė. Natų rinkinys “Juozas Naujalis. Kūriniai vargonams”. Pratarmė [“Juozas Naujalis. Works for organ”. Preface] (sudaryt. /ed. by Paulius Grigonis). Vilnius: Nacionalinė vargonininkų asociacija, 2019, p. 6–10. ISMN 979-0-9021720-0-4
Markeliūnienė, Vytautė. 1956-ųjų spalio 6 d.: neįvykęs Antano Kučingio “Faustas”. Paraštės, kontekstai ir atodangos [October 6th, 1956: Antanas Kučingis and the unperformed “Faust”. Margins, contexts, and revelations]. Ars et Praxis. Vilnius: LMTA, 2017, Vol V. ISSN 2351-4744
Markeliūnienė, Vytautė. Čiurlionio muzikinės kūrybos percepcija karo metais (1941–1944) [The perception of Čiurlionis’ musical creation during the war years (1941–1944)]. Menotyra [Studies in Art]. Vilnius: LMAL, LKTI, 2016, Nr. 3, p. 204–212. ISSN 1392-1002
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