Doctor of Humanities (Philosophy, 01H), junior researcher.




Holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Vilnius University (2021). Ph.D. title: “On the Realist and Anti-Realist Interpretations of Vaiśeṣika: From Contemporary Scholarship to Ancient Indian and Premodern East Asian Sources.” An awardee of internship at Zhejiang University (China), 2019. Since 2020 he has been a junior researcher at the Department of Comparative Cultural Studies at the Lithuanian Culture Research Institute. A member of the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions and the Lithuanian Philosophical Association. His research interests include comparative philosophy, Indian philosophy (especially the school of vaiśeṣika), Chinese philosophy, and Buddhism.

Email: tadas.snuviskis@gmail.com



2022. Aristotelio kategorijų ir Kaṇādos padārthų lyginamoji analizė (Comparative Analysis of Aristotle and Kaṇāda on the Categories and Padārthas). Vilnius: LKTI (Accepted for publication).


1) 2022. „Hinduistinių tradicijų ezoteriniai aspektai“ (Esoteric Aspects of Hindu Traditions). In: Problemos (Accepted for publication).

2) 2022. „Žvelgiant į tris Kinijos mąstymo tradicijas: konfucianizmo ir daoizmo polemika su budizmu“ (On Three Chinese Traditions of Thought: the Confucian and Daoist Polemics with Buddhism). In: Rytai-Vakarai (Accepted for publication).

3) 2021. „Keletas politinės filosofijos aspektų klasikinėje Indijos filosofijoje“ (A Few Facets of Political Philosophy in Classical Indian Philosophy). In: Sovijus. 9(2): pp. 136-148.

4) 2021. „Kas yra vydūniškoji pasaulėžiūra? Jos įtakos, prielaidos bei aktualumas praeityje ir dabartyje“ (What is the Vydunian Worldview? Its Influence, Assumptions and Relevance in the Past and Present). In: Vydūnui. Išvysti kitaip.

5) 2021. “Realness and Knowledge: Two Problems with the Vaiśeṣika Theory of Liberation.” In: Sovijus. 9(1): 109-119.

6) 2021. “Indian Philosophy Beyond India: Reconsideration of Vaiśeṣika 勝論 and Its Sources in East Asia.” In: Sino-Platonic Papers. 314: 1-71.

7) 2020. “Indian Philosophy in China: Was Daśapadārthī 勝宗十句義論 Authored by a Vaiśeṣika?”.  In: Dialogue and Universalism. 30: 89–106.

8) 2020. „Vaiśeṣikos realizmas versus budizmo fenomenalizmas Kinijos budistiniuose tekstuose“ (The Realism of Vaiśeṣika and the Phenomenalism of Buddhism in Chinese Buddhist Texts). In: Logos. 103: 215-222.

9)  2017. „Budistinė saṃdhinirmocana ir H. G. Gadamerio hermeneutika: lyginamoji analizė“ (Buddhist Saṃdhinirmocana and H. G. Gadamer's Hermeneutics: A Comparative Analysis). In: Logos. 90: 170-183.

10) 2016. „Budistinė jogačaros filosofija ir Husserlio fenomenologija“ (Buddhist Yogācāra Philosophy and Husserl's Phenomenology). In: Kultūrologija. 20: 314-327.

Conference organization

1) 2023: Coorganizer of the 20th European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) conference on the theme of "Religions and Technologies", Vilnius, Lithuania, 4-8th September.

2) 2022: Coorganizer of the online conference “Translation and Interpretation. The Case for Comparative Philosophy”. Initiative by British Academy in partnership with the universities of Exeter, Oxford, Cardiff, Pune, Strasbourg, Bern, München, Vilnius, Hong Kong, Connecticut, & Harvard, 10-11th May.

Research projects and study grants

1) 2022-23: Researcher in “The Project on the Formation, Commentaries, Applications and Transmission of the Buddhist Treatises (śāstra)” funded by Sheng Yen Center for Chinese Buddhist Studies (R.O.C.). Individual research project: “The Reception of Vaiśeṣika Philosophy Through the Daśapadārthī-Śāstra in East Asian Buddhism.”

2) 2019: Awardee of internship at the Buddhist Resource and Research Center of Zhejiang University (P. R. China).

Invited lectures in English:

1) 2021: “Recovering the Forgotten East Asian Vaiśeṣika Philosophical Tradition”, National Chengchi University (R.O.C.), 23rd September.

Public engagement

1) Since 2022: Conducting weekly meetings of “Readings of Eastern Philosophy” and uploading its videos to YouTube (presently in Lithuanian, but in the future will include English).

2) Since 2015: Founder and moderator of the Facebook group “Oriental Philosophy” (mainly in Lithuanian).