The goal of the project was the preparation of the scientific study for publication and its publication. The scientific study centres on the creative and public activities of Vilnius’ musician, photographer and poet of noble descent (coat of arms ,Łopot’) Faustyn Łopatyński (1825–1886). Love for one’s country, attention to Lithuanian history and language were among his major concerns. The artist was among those Lithuanian intellectuals who preserved the self-conception close to the resident of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and considered themselves the patriots of historical Lithuania. Many of the facts and documents from Łopatyńskis activities in the fields of music, photography and poetry presented in the book are being published for the first time. The results of this study are important not only for the Lithuanian, but also for the international community. The object of research is related to the cultural history of Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus.
The result: Vilniaus muzikas, fotografas ir poetas Faustynas Łopatyńskis (1825–1886): lietuviški kūrybinės veiklos punktyrai [Vilnius Musician, Photographer and Poet Faustyn Łopatyński (1825–1886): A Lithuanian Sketch of Creative Activities]. Vilnius: LKTI [LCRI], 2019. – P. 216 – Summary P. 192–201. – Bibliogr. P. 178–190. – Index P. 207–2015. ISBN 978-609-8231-10-6
Address: Saltoniškių g. 58,
LT-08105, Vilnius
Į. k. 111961791
Tel./fax. +370 5 275 1898
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