The aim of the project was to publish a monograph dedicated to the study of contemporary visual culture and memory. Memory and visibility are those modern trajectories, which have determined a consequent change in Lithuanian culture. In the second half of the 20th century nostalgia interlaced with repentance, remembrances with remindering, returning our attention to the past, collective and individual experience. At the same time, the image supply was intensified and new cultural engineering strategies were developed. The memory boom was gradually influenced by media and the laws of integrated capitalism, turning it into a consumable product. Global visual culture and cultural industries have changed the perception of culture and values, the functions of memory institutions and art life. The images have become the active agents of political, social and cultural life. Thus, the memory culture got involved into the controversial circle of visual culture, merging into a new space-time that combines local and global perspectives. The monograph covers the following processes of the interactioon of memory and visual culture that emerged at the intersection of the 20th and the 21st centuries in Lithuania's socio-cultural life. The authors examine the field of transnational memory, which transgresses national, ethnic, and social boundaries, and migratory memorial practices. They discuss the alterations of cultural identity, the changing topography of memory, its expression in the horizons of optical and digital media, tourism and entertainment industry. The monograph is based on interdisciplinary research methodologies.
Main results: Žukauskienė, Odeta, Gaižutytė-Filipavičienė, Žilvinė. Atminties ir žvilgsnio trajektorijos: vizualinės kultūros refleksija [The Trajectories of Memory and Glance: A Reflection on Visual Culture]. Vilnius: LKTI, 2018. 304 p. ISBN 978-609-8231-05-2
Address: Saltoniškių g. 58,
LT-08105, Vilnius
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