The Project is designed for the composition of the scientific systemic catalogue of the sources of Lithuanian philosophy during the soviet period (1945-1989). It provides a panoramic view of the philosophy of the period, destined both for the specialists in the field of philosophy and the broader audiences which are interested in a professional research in the development of sciences and culture during the soviet period. This overall picture would let us differentiate the philosophical texts according to its problematics, philosophical trend and value, also to reveal the variety within the Lithuanian philosophy of the soviet period, together with a correction of often negative identification of all the philosophy of the period only with Marxism and soviet ideology. The exhaustive register of all philosophers is composed and their biogramms are produced. The full bibliography of every philosopher including monographs (if there were any), scientific articles and publications for the popularization of science, critical reviews, polemical and similar articles, and also unpublished articles is compiled. The annotations for the philosophical texts are prepared. The biogramms would compose the philosophical dictionary and present exhaustive as possible prosopographical data on the community of philosophers. The annotations will present a brief outline of the problematics developed in the texts and the ways of their resolution. If it is possible the broader branch or the discipline of the philosophy to which the text belongs is determined. The scientific study, presenting the development of the philosophy during the soviet period, and the specific of its distinct stages, is prepared.
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