The project aims to enrich the canon of the history of Lithuanian culture and philosophy with collection of works by Romanas Bytautas (1886–1915). He was one of the first professional philosophers in Lithuania in the first half of the 20th century. The most significant his work is dissertation on psychological and epistemological theory of W. Wundt defended 1912 in Moscow university (it was highly estimated and won a gold medal). Along with the dissertation, which remained in archives unpublished and was hardly known even by philosophers, Bytautas had written several smaller studies: on the philological and philosophical aspects of language; on problems of individuality, nation and national consciousness, national culture, spiritual creation etc. The collection of works by Bytautas can be used as a source of history of Lithuanian philosophy, culture etc. in various fields of studies and research in humanities. Nowadays the major part of Bytautas philosophical writings has not only historical significance but the character of his inquiries, the applied principles, the analysis of arguments, the tolerance and carefulness as well as other merits have indubitable lasting value and are important for the historians of philosophy and culture.
Address: Saltoniškių g. 58,
LT-08105, Vilnius
Į. k. 111961791
Tel./fax. +370 5 275 1898
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