
Postdoctoral fellowship programme

The activity was funded under Measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 ‘Development of Scientific Competences of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities’ (Funding instrument – European Social Fund). The implementation of the Measure is managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania and the Research Council of Lithuania.

The postdoctoral fellowship project „Cinema and the Societies of the Baltic States during the Soviet Period: Ideology, Everyday Life, Memory“ was a unique academic project which aimed to analyse never before researched aspects of the cinema and culture history of the Baltic States and the Soviet Union. The idea of this project was exceptional because instead of focusing on film production history it followed the tracks of the New cinema history and focused on social cinema history. Cinema here is primarily understood as an experiential event. In addition, the project highlighted the little explored culture and cinema history of the Soviet Union periphery, targeting not Soviet Russia, but its satellites. Furthermore, it was the first comparative study of the cinema history of the Baltic countries.

Main result is a monograph in English, on which the researcher is working on at the moment.