
Paulius Normantas’ journey to the faraway and into himself

The goal of the project was to publish a book that discusses the photographic, ethnographic and dissent activities of the traveller and photographer Paulius Normantas from the perspective of cultural anthropology and comparative research. The authors of the book analyzes his philosophy of travel, being on the road, nomadic experience and cultural dialogues, also reflecting on the general changes in relationship with the Other and the development of the global world. The book reflects on the photographer's experiences in the Far East and Central Asia, discusses the photos of expeditions to remote parts of the world, their aesthetic and cultural significance. The book explores the rich photographic legacy of Paulius Normantas, which captures the life of disappearing nations, the values of various cultures, indigenous and authentic identities, the importance of which emerges in the confrontation of globality. The book also discusses the intellectual perspective of the creator - his interest in Eastern philosophy, cultures and arts, related to alternative discourses, knowledge of the Other and the search for self. The relevance of the book is determined by a contextual look at Normantas’ creative activity and photography. It reveals the significance of the orientalist movement in late Soviet era, the alternative networks, the geography of expeditions, the meaning of travel and the dissemination of global perspectives

Main results:

Paulius Normantas: kelionė į tolumas, ėjimas į save. Rytai-Vakarai: komparatyvistinės studijos XIII Paulius Normantas. Journey to Faraway and into Self. Sud.  O. Žukauskienė. – Vilnius: LKTI, 2019. – 287 p.  ISBN 978-609-8231-11-3

Odeta Žukauskienė. Presentation of book Paulius Normantas. Journey to Faraway and into Self Sud.  O. Žukauskienė in Vilnius Book Fair. Vilnius, 2020-02-23.