The goal of the project is to publish a collective monograph and present it to the wider public. The book discusses the processes of contemporary visual culture related to digital technologies and the challenges they cause. The image of the cloud well expresses the present space-time in which the images travel. The new generation of communication tools - the new space technology - enables not only the indescribable spread of images, but also opens the perspectives of non-human vision. The book discusses the media anthropocene - the present of global capitalism subjugating visual media to its will; the consequences of the accelerated reproduction of images by digital technologies and the algorithmic turn; features of computer vision and creative powers of artificial intelligence; transaestheticism and the life of social networks, the modes of time and image dictated by it, which are also reflected in the work of artists. Connecting the studies of visuality with the fields of philosophy, cultural sociology, media theory and art studies, the authors explore the genesis of contemporary visual culture from the point of view of its development. The target audience is people interested in the processes of socio-cultural change, cultural and artistic life, employees of cultural institutions and education, artists, students and the general public.
Main results:
Žukauskienė, Odeta, Rubavičius, Vytautas, Trilupaitytė, Skaidra et al. Vaizd(ini)ai ir įvaizdžiai: kas ir kaip mus kuria? / Image(ry) and Visibility: What Creates Us and How? Vilnius: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas, 2021. – 280 p. ISBN 978-609-8231-366
Žukauskienė, Odeta. Image(ry) and Visibility: What Creates Us and How? Vilnius Book Fair „Image as Text“, Vilnius: Litexpo, 2020-02-27
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