The project was dedicated to the further research and publication of the sacral architectural and artistic heritage of Šiauliai Diocese. From 2019 to 2022, expeditions were held to the churches and chapels of Šiauliai Deanery that belong to this diocese. The objective of the said expeditions was to discover, expertly analyse and photograph the surviving items that are important to the history of Lithuanian culture and art. The researchers studied bibliographical sources as well as archival and iconographic information related to the history, artistic values and sacral architecture of the parishes belonging to Šiauliai Deanery. Based on the collected materials, they prepared two books dedicated to the parishes of Šiauliai Deanery and to publish one of them. Similarly to the previous publications from the series “Lithuanian Religious Art”, these books present the main data and descriptions of the heritage from this region as well as its evaluation in the context of art and crafts development in Lithuania and other European countries and of the history of Catholic Church and the region itself. These books are present many art works and items that have not been identified, scientifically analysed or published before. The books will be useful to various humanities scientists as well as to heritage protection experts, museum professionals, the clergy and local communities.
Results: the collection of the digital photo documents of the objects of the cultural legacy of Šiauliai Deanery (Diocese of Šiauliai) has been increased by 1416 new photos.
Was published Lietuvos sakralinė dailė [Sacral Art of Lithuania], vol. II: Šiaulių vyskupija [Diocese of Šiauliai], Part 2: Šiaulių dekanatas [Šiauliai Deanery], Book 3: Kužiai–Pavėkiai, Vilnius, 2022.
The texts for the Book 4: Raudėnai–Šakyna have been prepared.
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