The aim of the project is publishing the book Čiurlionis and the World. It appears as the sixth volume of the series Essays on Aesthetics and Art Philosophy. It was compiled based on the proceedings of many international conferences Čiurlionis ir pasaulis systematically held in Druskininkai, supplementing the book with texts written by other Lithuanian and diaspora thinkers. This collection of articles opens the innovative work of Čiurlionis to the world from philosophy, aesthetics, musicology, art studies, literary studies, interdisciplinary studies, visual studies and other scientific perspectives. In the international context, as M.K. Čiurlionis's work increasingly occupies a significant historical position and actual influence, the need for detailed and multifaceted research arises. Very innovative in this collection is the line of philosophical research, which opens up the essential, cosmic dimension of Čiulionis's work. Until now, Čiurlionism has lacked a purified philosophical approach, while in this collection we find a whole constellation of philosophical texts reflecting on Čiurlionis' worldview. Čiurlionis's musicological research also appears, having acquired a new analytical definition, in which researchers from foreign countries such as Italy, Japan, Denmark, as well as music performers belonging to academic society are already involved, who can look at the interpretations of Čiurlionis' music from the point of scientific analysis. The artistic studies of Čiurlionis' work are expanded by video anthropology, visual studies, synaesthesia, audio-visual and similar studies, which significantly exceeds the hitherto articulated synthesis of music and painting in Čiurlionis' legacy. Also important is the level of interdisciplinary research in this collection, which creates new connections and raises original questions that generate new research perspectives. It is a significant shift in Čiurlionism and the fact that important literary studies have appeared in this collection, including both the analysis of Čiurlionis's own oral work and its chronological and diachronic lines connecting with contemporaries in other countries and their cultures. This collection of articles shows the intensive development of Čiurlionis's research, saturated with new facts and insights, promising analytical models and new fields of constructive research. The structure of the collection consists of 5 parts with minimalistic names, summarizing and semantically growing individual segments of this multifaceted study. It is a very successful combination of different countries, cultures, languages, branches and directions of science and art, etc. polylogue, in which completely new perspectives for researching Čiurlionis' work will undoubtedly emerge. The collection is intended for philosophers and culturalists, teachers of broad-minded humanities specialties, students, and anyone interested in the body of Čiurlionis's work and its position in the historical and international context.
Main results: Čiurlionis ir pasaulis. Estetikos ir meno filosofijos tyrinėjimai [Čiurlionis and the World. Essays on Aesthetics and Art Philosophy] Volume VI. Salomėja Jastrumskytė. Vinius: LKTI, 2019, 656 p. ISBN 978-609-8231-16-8
Address: Saltoniškių g. 58,
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