The project intended to investigate the activity and creative path of a sculptor and distinguished pedagogue Boris Schatz (1967–1932), who has been born in Lihuania and was active in Israel, with the ultimate goal of preparing a scientific study ans a catalog of his works for the future exhibition. In the course of the project on a business trip to Israel, visual material seared in the Israel Museum in Jerusale, The Tel Aviv Museum of Art, The Schatz House, documentary materials – in the Documentation Department of The Israeli Museum in Jerusalem and in The Schatz House. Bibliography studied, exhibits selected, acquaired photos for the illustrations. On the second stage, the catalog of the upcoming exhibition was prepared, a study on Schatz;s life, work and pedagogical activities was written, the texts translated into English.
Result: Bilingual exhibition book published (Širkaitė, Jolanta. Boris Schatz, „Izraelio meno tėvas“ iš Varnių / Boris Schatz, “The Father of Israeli Art” from Varniai, Vilnius: LKTI, 2020, 104 p.)
The study consists of an article "Get to Know Schatz" and a part of the exhibition catalogue with descriptions of the works. Its purpose is twofold: to present the little-known Schatz to Lithuania and to present Schatz’s life in Lithuania to Israel. In Israel, almost no one knows about his life in his native country, and in Lithuania it is very relevant to learn the interesting facts of his biography. Artist is presented not only as a developer of Jewish themes in art and the founder of the first art schools in Bulgaria and Israel, but as a personality also. Study empathize with the world of the painter, and helps to get to know the far-reaching idealistic goals that, with the support of the Zionists and comrades of the world, succeeded, but struggled to maintain. Schatz's biography, his creations and storylines accompanied by comments, some adjustments and additions.
Address: Saltoniškių g. 58,
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Tel./fax. +370 5 275 1898
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